
GGM Texts

Arranged shag..Laughing at Indian arranged marriages, the 'arranged shag' ridicules the concept of arranged marriage by making it look absurd.Also embracing stereotypes amongst Indian families themselves of Indian parents trying to be more 'modern' and 'English' (hence shag as opposed to marriage)

One of the “______ is Indian” sketches…Is funny because it takes the makes fun of the self Indian stereotype of seeing Indian culture as superior by thinking everyone/thing originated as Indian. Also, mocks British traditions through ridiculing the monarchy by associating it with the stereotypes commonly placed against Indians.

Chunky LaFungaParodies bollywood film, indians laughing at themselves.. being aware of sterotypes and embracing them.


Black actors win more TV roles

increase in people from ethnic minorities features in Tv soaps and dramas
Casualty, Eastenders reflect cultural diversity.
Problems with on screen portrayal of ethic minorities: presented as simplistic and one-sided picture of brit racial probs.

why? - because there arnt enough people from ethnic minorities in senior positions therefore the people making the programmes lack multi-cultural knowledge and experience.

Tv: tends to exaggerate the violence caused through racial tensions and fails to seek out voices to articulate the concerns of ordinary people from ethnic minorities.

Ethnic minority push by BBC - Matt Wells

BBC Asian Network - being expanded to digital to reach more Asians.
Station includes stories and issues that were either being underplayed or missed altogether by other bbc stations.

the Asian network has its own team of journalists, it has it own target audience, but it has been said that the BBC national news operation doesn't make enough news use of the Asian network's specialist knowledge.

Subcontinental drift - Nitin Sawhney (observer review)

Asian music making a break for the mainstream in the last 10 yrs: Cornershop, Asian Dub Foundation, Fin-da-mental etc..

British Asian experience : Goodness Gracious Me was the 1st Asian comedy series to receive recognistion from the bbc.
Musical Bombay Dreams has was a success in the West End capitalizing on Brit Asian talent.
Celluloid films: The Guru, Bend it like Beck, Monsoon Wedding, Anita and Me etc have all revieved mainstream support and recognition.

The arts are brimming with contributions from British Asians.

"The question isn't why is this all happening now, rather why has it taken so long?"

How entertainemtn changed: The media and multicultural Britain - Alex Webb

- Multicultural entertainment is now an important/successful part of the UK's mainstream media : Bend it like Beckham, East is East, Kumars at No42.

BBC News Online survey: - 78% people think ethnic minorities are better represented on TV now (than the last 10 yrs)
-73% Black people + 67% Indians agree.

-Still a long way to go as the success of blacks and Asians visible on screen is unmatched on off screen roles. 57% of asians thinks its harder to get work in the media than it is for whites. Greg Dyke agrees: "hideously white".